Thursday, March 8, 2012

How To Wash a Rag Rug & Share on Face Book & Internet.

How it all happened for me to write a blog about how to wash a rag rug was when I read a comment from a weaving group that I joined couple of weeks ago on face book. The weaving group has an open concept and open for the public,it is a great place to share photos of  weaving projects, videos, and the many questions about weaving. One of the group members a weaver who shared a photo of her rag rug with inlays of small bows asked how the inlays would hold up after the rug had been washed, there were many comment over how pretty the rug was and well woven, I happened to answer the question about how the rug would hold up, and from my own experience having washed rag rugs in a washing machine  my comment to her was not to wash the rug in a washing machine since the bows would then come off, or unravel. Shortly after my comment another comment was posted, a comment that made me feel very offended and contradicted after have given my comment and recommendations," was too not wash a rag rug in a washing machine", to this all I have to say is, after the many years of weaving and reading up on history on weaving I have come to learn: rag rugs that has been preserved and cared for has always been washed by hand, with this I am not to state if anyone feels that in these times when most people are busy with all kinds of work it would be an easier solution to wash a rag rug in a washing machine, but keep in mind a rag rug can not hold up for too many years, and especially if there are inlays in the rug as of the rug I have mentioned here on my blog from a weaving group on face book!

In Sweden in smaller urban areas as of a township there are often what is called a wash house a place were people can bring their rag rugs to be washed on a stone floor were the rug can be placed flat during scrubbing and rinse off the rug. There is also a place were the rugs can be hung in fresh air to be dried, and during the waiting time it takes for the rug to dry often people bring their lunches and have an opportunity to meet with new friends, how great is that to spend an afternoon to chat with others who are there for the same purpose to care for their rag rug. Swedish people are known to take pride and joy over their  rag rugs and aware of all the work it takes for the planning before the final step to weave the rug, not the least to be mentioned it also takes many hours to weave a rug before the rug is finished, for this reason and with confident it would be to big of a risk that most people would avoid who owned a hand woven rag rug, it would not be worth the risk to have their rag rug once again turning to a big pile of rags!

I have added  photos of rag rugs with inlays before they were washed and when  bows came off, or unraveled. The rugs were woven for my grand-children and I also wove pillows that would match the rag rugs with the same inlays as of small bows.


Sharing Weaving on Face Book and Internet.

Since and when I open an account with face book and had my website designed to share weaving and Swedish culture I have learned the many ways there are to share and the work involved. I had to put my thinking cap on to enable to do the many steps to plan and organize  a website before I had the website  up and running to be viewed on internet and face book. Firstly, I had to figure out what would look nice and explained the purpose behind my website, secondly, I liked something that would define Swedish weaving, and thirdly, I contacted two artists from Dalarna in Sweden, Åse Larsjos, and Slotts Barbro, who are the very best in their art Kurbits Painting. My decision was clear, the logo for the web site would be painted in the artwork "Kurbits", on a linen canvas that was hand woven  that had been provided by Slotts Barbro who did the art work on the logo for SwedishWeaving. The pieces I have added on my website under Kurbits have been designed for me by my request to have it custom made, Slotts Barbro provided me with ideas on designs before the final work would be done! 

Sharing my website and blog has been a joy by posting on face book, and the internet! I would like to share two stories what happen when sharing and caring. The first story happened a few years back when I talked to Åse on the telephone and then she told me news that she was to have someone from US who had read my website and ended up to contact Åse to have it arranged to have a class in Kurbits Painting in her home in Dalarna, Sweden, I then felt a comfort feeling  coming over me for such happy news. Since then just a week ago I had an e mail from Åse who to let me know she added my  website address to hers, and I feel very much honored by this, thank you Åse!. 
Åse is truly an artist, and not just in Kurbits, but also an artist in free hand oil painting and water color that she has on her website  I would also like to have it mentioned that Åse and two other artist from Sweden has merged into one website  Lastly there has been many wonderful comments from people who have been visiting SwedishWeaving and read about well known artist in Sweden, Åse Larsjo, and Slotts Barbro!

Couple of weeks ago I had another e mail from someone who had read my website and asked if I would be interested to give a weaving demonstration in an upcoming event in May of 2012, for 50 young girls who are having an American Doll Tee Party, with the theme Marti Gras, and of course who would give up such an opportunity and of course accepted, and I am now in the stage of  planing the weaving projects that is going to be  in the colors Marti Gras, Green, Gold, and Purple. I will be posting a blog with photos after the event in May, and I am looking forward to meet all the small fries, there are so much one can learn from sharing and demonstrate weaving to all age group. 

Thank you for reading my blog,
Margaretha Fletcher

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