Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sheep & Wool Festival in Turnbridge Vermont October 1-2, 2011

Fall is full of endings and beginnings, Autumn outings, days of Indian summer, when the air is crisp, and the vibrant spirit of the season when all the harvesting as it's best, the blend from apple picking, vendors of all kinds displaying there gods, it can be anything, wool, knitting, sheep, or as the Vermont Weavers Guild did to participated in the sheep & wool festival in Turnbridge Vermont to take part in demonstrating weaving.

In picture above a member from the Vermont Weavers Guild demonstrating weaving on a rigid heddle loom
We were four members from the guild who participated taking turns to talk about weaving to those who showed an interest to know more about how to use a loom, and learn the many functions a weavers guild has to offer. Often the phrase is used- in rain or shine, well, this year for everyone  who visited the many wonderful vendors at the grounds in Turnbridge, Vermont, it was a rain on both Saturday and Sunday, people are amazing they are truly a great sport to visit the  many harvest festivals that takes place during this wonderful foliage season in Vermont.

Driving both days on Saturday and Sunday when expecting to see spectacular fall colors, this year with all the rain in early spring and a cold summer Vermont had to endure, much of the leaves turned to yellow and brown, the wonderful Maple trees with leaves that normally shifts in brilliant reds and orange seem to blend in with the brown and yellow colors. The 45 minutes drive from were I live to the fair grounds in Turnbridge, I drove thru small Vermont villages, a new site for me was to learn that Joseph Smith, the founder of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was born in South Royalton, Vermont, I was lucky to also pass a covered bridge that are so well known in Vermont made this trip well worth it.

 It is with wonder to learn what an interest there are amongst kids willing to explore weaving, it is with great fun to see there expression, and many questions asked during the time while trying out the looms, from floor looms to looms made out of card board, or small looms geared for a child.

As much fun it is to take part of  the weaving, there is also time to visit friends who takes part in other events as my friend Carol whom I meet one year in Shelburne Farm in Burlington, Vermont during a weaving demonstration. Carol's passion is to spin and also gives classes in spinning.

Carol showing her wool from her own sheeps.

It is truly a learning experience for all who comes in rain or shine to visit all the wonderful fall festivals during this wonderful season of Autumn.

  Until next year have a good one, and don't forget to share weaving with your friends,
  Margaretha Fletcher 


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