It has been a busy day, and a day I have had time to reflect on. It is about sharing and completion of a mission. It all started a long time ago, it does perhaps not seem very important, but I have always wanted to see my kitchen counter filled with jars of cucumber I have pickled myself , but nothing ever become of it, until last week when the aroma from dill and vinegar came from a kitchen that I happened to pass by, I was hooked this time I was going to complete a mission from long time ago.
I live close to a farmers market were local farmers brings there home grown produce to the market. During the much to short summer season the market starts the day as early as 9:00 AM every Saturday, until the closing of the summer season that takes place in the beginning of October when the farmers market closes for the season. I love to browse going to each stand to learn what each vendor has to offer, it might be jam, pickled cucumbers, cheeses, fresh produces in bundles, there are also vendors who sells wonderful hand made baskets, and all kind of arts and crafts.
This blog is about sharing, and I will begin to write about my sister Linda. My sister Linda pasted away during Christmas of 2010, and it will never be recovered why she is no longer with us who knew Linda and loved her. My sister was strong headed and with lots of will power, she would most likely shake her head if she knew I liked to have done my own pickling, but never fulfilled a mission I much would have like to do.
Today I will call Linda's day, after strolling at the farmers market and purchasing what I needed to attempt a first time home pickling I went back to my home with bags filled with all I needed to do my own pickling of cucumbers.
The morning did not exactly start out the way I had planned, I ended up running back to a store to purchase larger jars for the cucumbers, I started to look around as I normally do when going to stores. I went to a shelve were there was cook books, I really did not need to buy a another cook book but I did! The title of the book Flavors of Morocco, delicious recipes from North Africa, and it so happened to be I was glad to be the owner of a cook book filled with wonderful recipes, and wonderful exiting spices I am not use to in my own plain way of cooking. And so it went on I went to another store to buy some of the spices I needed to try out a new and simple recipe "Spicy potato omelet",(Mhemmer) name for the African potato omelet.
After much shopping I finally was home to start preparation for not just one mission to do pickling, a promised I had made to my self, but also to prepare for a new recipe.
Finally some time for my self, my legs had start to begin to hurt after many hours of preparations and was relive to have the evening to my self. I now had time to reflect and my mind went back to the farmers market with all there vendors.
Nothing comes easy, whatever it might be I am well aware it takes will power and work! It was a glorious day, very summer day, hot, hot, but even so it does not prevent people to be faithful to there Farmers Market, knowing all the hard work the farmers does to make it possible to present all kinds of gods and wonderful fresh vegetables.
A blog is all new to me, and I have read a few blogs and I have found it to be a good way of sharing. I like to share on this blog a photo of a heart My sister Linda crochet, she crochet two hearts as a birthday present. Linda loved to do needle work and her passion was to crochet, she was able to design while she worked with her needle and yarn and it brings me back many years ago, our grand-mother sister Olive used to crochet my dolls clothes, with such as talent as hers I am thankful my day was unorganized otherwise I would not have gone from here to there in my home and found in my closet hiding in the dark Linda's birthday present she crochet. From this day on I will think of Linda since I have the wonderful heart next to my computer, but foremost Linda will always live in my heart, as I know she does to each one of us who knew Linda and loved her!
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